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Recently I have found myself drawn to the fluid quality of watercolor. I like the soft and playful nature it brings to my drawings. Currently I am experimenting with depictions of animals and nature. I find myself drawn to the natural world. There is a unique beauty in natural things, something I feel is often overlooked.

I like beautiful things, not only the obviously beautiful, but the subtly beautiful as well. Much of my work is about the beauty in the everyday, overlooked, commonplace and mundane. I use drawing, painting, photography and video to more intimately connect with the things that surround me. I think that the things we see everyday sometimes loose their visual interest because we look at them without thought and take for granted their unique characteristics. As I spend time studying the physical nature of something I often discover new layers of interest and beauty which inspire my work.

Much of my work is 12"x9" or smaller. I do this because small work encourages a more intimate relationship with the viewer. I want you to get close to my work, get to know it in a more personal way. Not from across the room, but face to frame.

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